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Coluna do Astrônomo

Fundação Planetário: Órgão de Divulgação Científica

A Fundação Planetário da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro completou no dia 19 do mês passado (novembro) quarenta anos de existência. Não como Fundação propriamente dita, pois só passamos a ser tal em 1993, mas como um dos principais órgãos de divulgação científica do Brasil. Tenho certo orgulho em dizer que, nestes 40 anos, participei de 14. Primeiro como estagiário depois como astrônomo. “Certo orgulho” pelo pouco tempo de casa é claro, porque, na verdade, já me sinto como parte dos alicerces da Fundação, e disso tenho muito orgulho.

São apenas 14 anos, mas já pude participar de dois dos momentos mais importantes da casa: a construção do novo prédio com um planetário de última geração, em 1998; e a inauguração dos experimentos interativos do Museu do Universo, em 2005.

O primeiro momento me trás muitas recordações. Quando cheguei aqui em 1996, ainda bem moleque empolgado com o primeiro emprego (estágio), no local do novo prédio só havia um imenso buraco cheio de água. Eram as escavações da garagem. Pude acompanhar a obra subir por inteira e a montagem do Universarium, o novo planetário, uma sensação na época. Os equipamentos do novo planetário eram incríveis. Tínhamos as melhores imagens astronômicas da época, tudo isso em… slides!!! Eram quase 90 projetores de slide cobrindo a cúpula toda! Mas o que deixava a gente eufórico era a oportunidade de ter um extraordinário GRAVADOR DE CD!!! Nossa!

Desde então aprendi a valorizar o grande trabalho desenvolvido pelos astrônomos da casa, principalmente dos mais antigos: Órmis Rossi, Fernando Vieira e Domingos Bulgarelli. Não poderia ser à toa que um grupo de meia dúzia de astrônomos, mais ou menos, tivesse nas mãos um dos melhores equipamentos do mundo. Havia muito conhecimento adquirido e, ainda bem, compartilhado com os mais novos. Costumávamos brincar dizendo que aprendíamos mais no Planetário do que na Faculdade.
E foi pelo trabalho era realizado aqui que eu me decidi por seguir nesta área, a de divulgação científica em astronomia e ciências afins.

O segundo momento se passou praticamente junto com a minha entrada no Planetário já como astrônomo servidor público da Fundação. Com o apoio da Fundação Vitae, o projeto para um museu interativo pode ser estabelecido. Depois de anos de estudos uma equipe liderada pelo astrônomo Gilson Vieira, juntamente com astrônomos da casa, montaram um extraordinário museu que passou a ser agraciado por pessoas do mundo inteiro.

Com o museu concluído, melhoramos ainda mais a qualidade dos serviços oferecidos às escolas e ao público em geral. Tínhamos o melhor lugar do mundo para trabalhar com o melhor produto a oferecer.

Entre erros e acertos, os trabalhos desenvolvidos por toda a equipe de astrônomos e por vários que aqui passaram, nos tornamos, há décadas, referência nacional para outros planetários e centros de divulgação científica. O mundo deu muitas voltas ao redor do Sol nestes 40 anos (mais especificamente 40!) e ainda tem muitas voltas a dar. Esperaremos as próximas 40!

He hurriedly recorded his conversation in a black book with a sweaty pen. Oh, just do it. Now, go to those trash cans, stay there and direct the traffic until the entire street is clear. Did you hear that She turned and left without saying anything good or not, A street, began to slowly move a few trash cans. Every driver who passed by her glared at her, and some mumbled in her mouth. Shakes glanced at the watch. Another hour I can hold on. 3 The peregrine falcon gently waving a few wings, landing in the edge of the windowsill. Outside the window, noon the sun bright and dazzling, the weather seems to be extremely hot. Finally, the man murmured, turning his head to the buzzing doorbell and looking at the door to the downstairs. Is he He shouted at the staircase, is it Lincoln Lyme turned his head to the window again without hearing any answer. The peregrine falcons head turned a little and moved very fast, just like a spasm, immediately returning to the original elegant gesture of keeping. Lyme noticed the blood stained its paw, and a piece of yellowish Microsoft exam flesh was pulled by its small, black, nut shell-like beak. It stretches short neck, move slowly to the nest, the action is reminiscent of not a bird, but a snake. The peregrine Falcon dropped the meat into the small mouth of a blue-winged bird. What I now see is the only creature in New York City without any natural enemies, Lyme thought. Maybe God except God. He heard footsteps, and someone was walking up the stairs. Is 300-135 pdf he He asked Thomas. The young man answered, No. Who is that The doorbell rang, is not it Thomass eyes looked at the window. The bird is back.Look, theres blood on your windowsill.Do you see them The female peregrine faltered slowly into Lymes gaze. A blue-gray feather, gorgeous like fish. It is looking up, looking back and forth toward the sky. They are always together, will they be with them for life Exclaimed Thomas. Like a geese Lymes eyes returned to Thomas. The latter was bowing his strong, young waist forward, looking through the window, which was splashed with rain. Who is here Lyme asked again. He was annoyed by the deliberate delay of young people. Visitors. Visitors Ha Lyme snorted. He tried to Cisco exam recall when the last guest visit was. That is at least three months ago. Who was the 400-101 questions guest last visited Maybe those reporters, or a distant relatives. Thats right, its Peter Chter, a spine neurologist in Lyme. Blaine has Microsoft exam been here several times, but she certainly can not be a visitor. Its so cold here, complains Tommy, reaching out to open the window at the same time. Young typical performance. Lyme thought. Do not open the window, he ordered, well, tell me whos coming Its cold. Youre going to scare the bird.You can turn off the air conditioner.Ill be closed. Lets open again, said Tangmajas forcefully to lift the thick wooden frame of the window. The two birds got accustomed to playing since they moved in. Hearing the noise, the two peregrine falcons turned their heads and widened their eyes to the source of the noise. But they were just wide-eyed, still on the edge of the bay windows, overlooking monarchs overlooking the collapsed ginkgo trees in their territory and the car parked on both sides of the street. Lyme asked again Whos coming Leon Salet. Leon What did he do Thomas looked back and forth at the room.

I am asking you now. They want to see you. I only know these. Because they have something, they are not, they are regular, heavy, and want. Lincoln. Tone. The handsome young man reached for his blond hair. He was wearing brown trousers and a white shirt, tied with a blue tie and the bow tie was flawless. When he hired Tommar a year ago, Lyme once told him that he could wear jeans and a T-shirt to work whenever he wanted. But from that day until now, he has been meticulously dressed. Lyme did not know if it was because he had kept the young man so far, but he did. No one had been in custody before Thomas before for six weeks, and those who resigned were tantamount to excommunication. Well, how do you tell them I told them to give me a few minutes to let me see if you got dressed first, and then they could come up. You did not ask me Self-assertion. Thank you very much. Thomas back to take a few steps toward the small stairs downstairs shouted Come on, gentlemen. What did they say to you, is not it Said, You have something to hide 400-101 questions from me. Thomas did not answer. examtestview Raim looked at the two men up the stairs. When they first entered the room Lyme first spoke. He said to Thomas Putting on the curtains, you have already disturbed the two birds too much. The actual meaning examtestview of this sentence was that he had enjoyed the bright morning sunshine. Can not speak. Sticking to the mouth of Cisco exam the tape stinky and sticky, so that she can not pronounce a word. She felt despair more helplessly than the cold, handcuffed metal on her wrist, compared to the short, stout fingers on her shoulders. The taxi driver, still wearing a ski 300-135 pdf boot, led her to a dark, damp corridor that ran through the rows of pipes and plumbing to the basement of an office building. But she does not know where the exact location is. If I can speak to him T. J. Kofax is a fun person. Morgan Stanley third floor of the mother of insects. A negotiator. money Do you want money I give you money, a lot of money, boy. But more than a few. She thought the remarks more than ten times, desperately trying to seize his eyes as if she could deliver the remarks into his head. Beg for you, she begged silently. She started thinking of her 401 k Retirement Savings Fund an important U.S. tax deferred savings plan to protect retiree benefits, with about 42 million people participating and a total asset pool of more than 2 trillion. – translator, she can give her all the pensions to him. Oh, beg you She remembered the scene of the last night The man turned around after watching the fireworks, pulled them off and put handcuffs on them. He put them close to the trunk, and then re-drive the road.

Coluna do Astrônomo

Tamanhos no Universo

Qual é o tamanho do maior homem do mundo? Segundo o Guinness, livro dos recordes, ele tem 2,46m, se chama Sultan Kösen e vive na Turquia. Do lado dele, fico parecendo baixinho, apesar de ele não chegar a medir duas vezes mais que eu. Sua altura é mais do que três vezes a do menor homem do mundo, o chinês He Pingping, com 74cm de altura!

Apesar de ficarmos impressionados com estas disparidades, se formos compará-las com o que temos no Universo, todos nós pareceríamos ter a mesmíssima altura.
Vou usar as estrelas para termos uma melhor ideia do que eu estou falando. Nosso Sol possui um diâmetro de aproximadamente 1,5 milhão de quilômetros; caberiam dentro dele quase 1,4 milhão de planetas do tamanho da Terra, comigo, o chinês, o turco e tudo o mais. O Sol, assim mesmo, é considerado uma estrela anã! Ou seja, existem estrelas muito maiores que o Sol! E menores também.

As menores são as consideradas estrelas fracassadas, chamadas de anãs marrons. São estrelas que não conseguiram iniciar a fusão do hidrogênio. Uma das menores é a OTS 44, da constelação do Camaleão, com apenas dois décimos do diâmetro do Sol.  

Já as maiores são as hipergigantes vermelhas, estrelas com mais de 100 vezes a massa do Sol e com uma luminosidade superior a 1 milhão de vezes. A maior já conhecida é a VY Canis Majoris, com um diâmetro de 1.800 a 2.100 vezes maior que o do Sol. Para se ter uma ideia, essa estrela é do tamanho da órbita de Saturno ao redor do Sol! Caberiam dentro desta estrela o Sol e os planetas até Saturno. A distância aproximada do Sol até Saturno é de 9 UA (Unidades Astronômicas) ou 1,4 bilhão de quilômetros!
O engraçado é que estamos mais suscetíveis a ficarmos mais impressionados com o maior e o menor homens do mundo do que a estrela que mencionei acima, pelo simples fato de que não dá para, nem mesmo imaginar, uma estrela com aquele tamanho todo!
Um abraço e até a próxima.

He stood there for a long Microsoft exam time. Tami Joan and John desperately retreated until they reached the other side of the door, holding two sweaty bodies tightly together. The drivers hand bent into the shape of a cup, blocking the lights shone on the street light, looked at them more carefully. Suddenly, a loud noise echoed in the air. Tameron could not help but constricted a while, and John made a short, screaming scream. Behind the driver, the air in the distance was filled with bright red and blue flame stripes instantly. Then again is 300-135 pdf a few roar and scream. The driver turns and looks up, just to see a huge, orange-red cobweb over the city. It was a fireworks, and Tamie remembered the news read in the newspaper. It is a gift from the host and the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the delegates attending the conference and welcomes them to this great city on Earth. The driver turned toward the taxi again. Pat soon, he opened the door lock, slowly opened the door. 2 As usual, the informant did not leave a name. Therefore, there is no other way to pour back into the past to understand what the reporter said is a piece of open space. The headquarters radio said He said it was on the 37th Street near Eleventh Street. Those at the Notification Center never figured out where the exact location of the murder was. Although it is nine oclock in the morning, it has made people sweat more than hot. Emilia Microsoft exam Shakes lay aside a tall grass thatch. She is conducting a search of light – a jargon of crime scene investigators – searching for suspicious objects with an S-shaped route. Nothing at all She looked down at the intercom on the dark blue uniform shirt. Patrolman 5885 calls headquarters without any notice. Do you have any further news The dispatcher replied in a bumpy noise 5885, there is no more information about the scene of the crime at the moment, but one thing The informant said he hoped the Cisco exam victim was dead. 400-101 questions Please say it again, headquarters. The complainant said he hoped the victim was already dead. He said it would bestexamview be best if so. Finished. Hopefully the victim Dead Shakes struggled across a broken barbed wire and began searching for another piece of open space. Still not found. She wants to leave. Just call 10-90, report that without any discovery, you can return to the Si Si area, it is her daily patrol area. Her knees hurt and she felt as if she had been roasted on a terrible August day. She just wanted to slip to the Port Authority and get stuck with the Little Furrier there and come back to a large can of Arizona iced tea. Then, at eleven thirty – just two hours now – she was able to clear the drawers in the south 300-135 pdf section of Midtown and go to the lower town for training. But she finally did not do this. She can not leave this briefing without answering the phone call. As she continued to move on, she walked along the hot sidewalk through the path between the two abandoned apartments and into another covered, planted area. She slid her slender forefinger down into her flat-top hat and scratched it with irresistible restraints through layers of long, red hair on her head. In order to scratch more scalp, she simply faded her cap side, while crazy scratch. Sweat streaming down her forehead, itchy, so she fiercely blew a few brows.

She was thinking Only the last two hours of patrolling in the street were available, and I could survive. Shakes continued. The first time she felt uneasy this morning as she walked into a bush. Someone is watching me. The hot wind blew through the dry bushes and made the rustling sound. A car truck ran full steam ahead of the Lincoln Tunnel. She remembered one thing the patrolmen would often think of the city was so noisy that I could not detect if someone came back to me behind me and walked to lift me up with a knife. Or take my back as a target She turned quickly. Nothing except leaves, rusty machines and rubbish. When climbing a pile of stones, the knee pain so she could not help but shrink body. Emily Shakes, 31, is afflicted with joint inflammation – her mother often says youre 31 It is inherited from her grandfather, just as she inherited her mothers good figure, her fathers good looks and occupation as long as the red hair no one can say it. She slowly passed through a cluster of dead shrubs, a sharp pain on her knees. Thanks to her prompt closing, she did not drop a steep 30-foot deep slope. Below her was a gloomy gorge that cut deeply through the bottom of the West End. The railroad tracks of the U.S. Railroad Passenger Transport Company run through the canyon and the train goes to the north. She narrowed her eyes and looked to the bottom of the canyon not far from the tracks. what is that Is inserted in a circle of soil has been turned over the twigs It looks like Europe, my god The sight of her made her shiver. Nausea suddenly rose, burning like a flame burning her skin. For a moment she really wanted to turn around and escape, pretended nothing was seen. But she tried hard to suppress the idea in my heart. He hopes the victim is dead. This is the best. She runs to an iron staircase that leads from the sidewalk to the canyon. She stopped in time as she grabbed the balustrade of the iron staircase. bad The murderer has escaped in all likelihood, and is likely to have left the ladder. If she touches the railings, she may undermine the mark he left behind when he ran away. Okay, then well waste something. She took a deep breath and held back the pain of the knee joint. She inserted the deliberately polished bright boot into bestexamview the crevice of the stone on the first day of her new job and began to climb down the rock wall. She was still four feet off the ground and jumped straight to the place where it was buried. My God It is not a branch that extends from under the ground it is a mans hand. The body of this man was buried vertically in the earth, leaving only the arm, wrist and palm Cisco exam left outside. She stared at the ring finger of the hand all the muscles had been cut off, the red of the bones of the fingers, set with a huge female diamond ring. Shakes knelt on the ground, began digging down. The soil fluttered under her hands as a dog. She 400-101 questions found that those fingers that had not been cut were wide open, pointing in the direction that their fingers would not normally bend. This shows that the victim was still alive when the last shovel of mud buried his face. Maybe its still alive now. Shakes desperately dug soft soil, her hands were shattered by pieces of glass, dark red blood and dark red soil mixed together. This persons hair is exposed, followed by a bluish, gray forehead due to lack of oxygen. She continued digging until she saw the dull eyes and mouth of the man. The mans mouth twisted into horrible curvature, indicating that in the last few seconds of life the victim struggled to keep his mouth through the rising black soil. This is not a woman. Despite the finger on the set of a diamond ring. He was a big man in his fifties and was as angry as the soil surrounding him. She took a few steps back, her gaze never leaving that person, almost tripped over by the tracks behind her. For a while, her mind was empty and could not think of anything, only knowing that a man was buried to die like this. Then she reminded herself Be strong, baby. In front of you is the scene of a homicide together, and you are the first police officer present. You know what to do ADAPT, adapt. A is the current arrest of Arrest. D is a major eyewitness and suspect to Detain. A is Assess murder scene. P is P what is it She bowed her head towards the walkie-talkie Patrolman 5885 calls headquarters.

Coluna do Astrônomo

Astronáutica: Política e Tecnologia

As tecnologias mais estratégicas de uma nação são as chamadas tecnologias duais. Estas tecnologias podem ser usadas para fins civis e militares. A Astronáutica é essencialmente uma tecnologia dual, nascida durante a guerra fria. Um foguete pode botar um satélite em órbita, mas, com mínimas mudanças estruturais, pode pôr uma ogiva nuclear no centro do território de qualquer país. Por isso, a transferência deste tipo de tecnologia é tão restrita. Tudo que se relaciona ao espaço é caro, arriscado e sigiloso.  

Outro aspecto interessante da Astronáutica é o seu caráter interdisciplinar. Para pôr um satélite em órbita, não basta conhecer as leis da mecânica newtoniana. Um foguete é um prodígio de engenharia, onde ligas metálicas leves e resistentes envolvem substâncias químicas instáveis, explosivas e, às vezes, corrosivas. Se o voo é tripulado, a logística é ainda mais complexa, já que seres humanos estão envolvidos. Levar astronautas ao espaço implica levar, também, todo um ambiente propício à vida: ar, água e alimento. Isso somente para falar no bem-estar físico dos astronautas. Cuidar da saúde mental dos astronautas também é um desafio e tanto.

Por tudo isso, eu adoro ensinar Astronáutica aqui no Planetário. Neste mês eu enfrento de novo o agradável desafio de falar sobre as barreiras espaciais superadas pela humanidade. Mas não reclamo. É muito estimulante lidar com tantos temas fascinantes. Como diria Buzz Lightyear, meu personagem preferido de Toy Story: “Ao infinito… e além”.

I hurried into the local department store to grab1 some last minute Chirsmas gifts. I looked 70-697 test at all the people 300-101 Dump and grumbled2 to myself. I Examprepwell would be in here forever and I just had so much to do. Chirsmas was beginning 70-697 test to become such a drag. I kinda wished 300-070 exam dumps that I could just Learningpdf sleep through 70-697 test Chirsmas. But I hurried the best I could through all the people to the toy department. Learningpdf Once again I kind of mumbled3 to myself at the prices of all these toys, and wondered 300-101 Dump if the grandkids would even play whit4 them. I found myself in the doll aisle5. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a little boy about 5 holding a lovely doll.He 300-101 Dump kept touching6 her hair and he held her so gently. I could 70-697 test not Examprepwell seem to help myself. I just kept loking over at the little boy and wondered 300-070 exam dumps who the doll was for. I Examprepwell watched him turn to a woman and he called his aunt by name and said, “Are you sure I don’t have enough money?” She replied a bit impatiently, “You know that you don’t 300-101 Dump have enough money for Examprepwell Learningpdf it.” The aunt told the little boy not to go anywhere that she had 300-070 exam dumps to go and get some other things and would be back in a few minutes. 300-070 exam dumps And then she left Examprepwell the Learningpdf aisle. The boy continued to hold the doll. After a 300-070 exam dumps bit I 300-070 exam dumps asked 300-070 exam dumps the boy 300-101 Dump who the doll was 70-697 test for. He said, “It is the doll my sister 300-070 exam dumps wanted so badly for Chirsmas. 300-101 Dump She Learningpdf 300-070 exam dumps just knew that Santa would bring it. “I told him that maybe Santa was going 300-101 Dump Examprepwell to bring it . He said, “No, Santa can’t go Learningpdf Learningpdf where my sister is…. I have to give the doll to my 300-070 exam dumps Mama to take to Examprepwell her. “I Learningpdf asked him where his siter was. He looked at Learningpdf 300-101 Dump me with the saddest eyes and said, “She was Examprepwell gone to be with Jesus.

My Daddy says that Mamma is going to have to go 300-101 Dump be with her.” My heart Learningpdf nearly stopped beating. Then the boy looked at me again and said, “I told my Daddy to tell Learningpdf my Learningpdf Mama not to go 70-697 test yet. I told him to tell her to wait till I got back from the store.” Then he asked me if i wanted to see his picture. I told him I’d love to. He pulled out some picture he’d had taken at the front of the store. He said, “I want Examprepwell my Mama to take this with her so the dosen’t ever forget me. I love my Mama so very 70-697 test much and I wish she dind not have to leave 70-697 test me.But Daddy says she will need to be with 70-697 test my sister.” I saw that the little boy had lowered his head and had grown 70-697 test so qiuet. While 70-697 test 300-070 exam dumps he was not looking I reached into my purse and pilled out a handful of 300-101 Dump bills. I asked the Examprepwell little boy, “Shall we count that miney one Learningpdf more time?” He grew excited and said, “Yes,I just know Examprepwell it has to be 70-697 test Examprepwell enough.” So I slipped my money in with his and we began 70-697 test to count it . Of course it 300-070 exam dumps was plenty for 70-697 test the doll. He softly 300-070 exam dumps said, “Thank you Jesus for giving 300-101 Dump me enough money.” Then 300-101 Dump the boy said, “I just asked Jesus to give me enough money to buy this doll so Mama can take it with her to give my sister. And 300-070 exam dumps he 300-101 Dump heard my prayer. I Examprepwell wanted to ask him give for enough to buy my Mama a white rose, but I didn’t ask him, but he gave me Examprepwell enough to buy the doll and a rose for my Mama. She loves Learningpdf white rose so much. “In Learningpdf a few minutes the aunt came back and I wheeled my cart Learningpdf away. I could not keep from thinking about the little boy as I finished my shoppong in a ttally different spirit than when Examprepwell 300-070 exam dumps I had 70-697 test started. And I kept remembering a story I had seen in the newspaper several days earlier about a drunk driver hitting a car and killing7 300-070 exam dumps a little girl and the Mother was in serious condition. The family was deciding on whether to remove the life support. Now surely this little boy did not belong with that story.Two days later I read in the paper where the family had disconnected the life support and the young woman had died. I could not 70-697 test forget the little boy and just kept wondering if the two were somehow connected. Later that day, I could not help myself and I went out and bought 300-101 Dump aome white roses and took them to the funeral home where 300-101 Dump the yough woman was .And there she was holding a lovely white rose, the 300-101 Dump beautiful doll, and the picture Examprepwell of the little boy in the store. I left there in tears, thier life changed forever. The love that little boy had for his little sisiter and his mother was overwhel. And in a split8 second a drunk driver had ripped9 the life of that little boy to pieces.

Coluna do Astrônomo

Quantidades, distâncias, vida no Universo e visitantes

Muitas pessoas, principalmente durante a visita escolar ao Planetário, me perguntam sobre vida fora da Terra, ou, como eles dizem, ETs. Eu costumo responder fazendo uma análise sobre algumas condições do Universo e deixando a conclusão para a própria pessoa.

Bom, vamos ponderar sobre este assunto um pouquinho aqui também. Costumo começar analisando o céu durante a noite. Excluindo três galáxias (Andrômeda, a Pequena e a Grande Nuvem de Magalhães), tudo o que observamos a olho nu pertence a nossa galáxia, a Via Láctea. Numa noite limpa em um lugar sem poluição luminosa, podemos ver até 6.000 astros. Esse número de estrelas, que parece grande, não é nada se compararmos com a estimativa da galáxia inteira que é de 200 bilhões de estrelas!

Saindo da nossa galáxia, encontramos outras galáxias e as estimativas nos dizem que podem existir outros 200 bilhões de galáxias no Universo! Algumas com até trilhões de estrelas. Chegamos à conclusão, então, de que no Universo existem muitas estrelas!

Com o desenvolvimento de telescópios mais modernos e ultrassensíveis, estamos descobrindo muitos planetas ao redor de estrelas. Este número já está em 488 planetas ao redor de outras estrelas (até a data desta postagem). E só estamos falando de estrelas relativamente próximas do nosso Sistema Solar. O que parecia exceção, agora parece regra: planetas orbitando estrelas.

Conhecendo esses dados, não é difícil de se acreditar que exista algum planeta, dessas aparentemente infinitas estrelas, que apresente condições para a vida se desenvolver. Mesmo tendo a Terra características muito específicas e peculiares para isso acontecer.
Agora, a meu ver, ter vida em outro lugar não significa que alguém ou alguma coisa já tenha vindo até a Terra e nem que ela seja tão desenvolvida e complexa como os seres humanos. Explico meu ponto de vista: os números não são grandes apenas para a quantidade de estrelas e galáxias, mas também são enormes para as distâncias.

O local mais distante em que o homem pôs os pés fora da Terra foi a Lua, que está a mais ou menos 380 mil quilômetros. O Sol já se encontra a uma distância considerável, 150 milhões de quilômetros.
Considerável para os nossos padrões, mas se formos comparar com a estrela mais próxima do Sistema Solar, a Alfa do Centauro (na verdade, um sistema com três estrelas), a distância Sol-Terra se torna insignificante, são 4,4 anos-luz, ou seja, quase 44 trilhões de quilômetros!

Do centro da nossa galáxia estamos distantes aproximadamente 26 mil anos-luz (em quilômetros já fica impossível, por favor). E a nossa galáxia inteira tem 100 mil anos-luz de diâmetro.
Saindo da nossa galáxia, temos a galáxia de Andrômeda, por exemplo, como uma das “vizinhas” mais próximas, dois milhões de anos-luz. E aí, vale a pena parar para refletir. A luz das estrelas dessa galáxia (visível a olho nu, diga-se de passagem) demora dois milhões de anos para chegar até a Terra! A velocidade da luz é de 300 mil km/s! E nós sabemos, pelas Leis da Física, que nada pode viajar acima desta velocidade. (Nem falar das galáxias mais distantes: 12 bilhões de anos-luz.)

É aí que eu acho que viajantes espaciais são tão impotentes como nós, mesmo se forem mais evoluídos. Como percorrer todas essas distâncias tendo as Leis da Física vigorando em todos os lugares no Universo? Mesmo viajando próximo da velocidade da luz, demoraríamos muito de uma estrela a outra. Até existem algumas teorias que dizem ser possível viajar de um ponto a outro no Universo rapidamente, como as que falam dos “buracos de minhoca”, mas mesmo assim nada leva a crer que alguém resistiria a uma viagem dessas. Além deste ponto, estaríamos no ramo da ficção científica.

Apesar de alguns relatos de aparecimentos de OVNIs, não acredito que a única explicação seja a de serem seres extraterrestes e, mesmo assim, realizarem uma viagem desta magnitude para chupar uma cabra no interior de sei lá onde. Deve haver coisas mais interessantes que isso depois de uma viagem dessas. Brincadeiras à parte, estamos vivendo em uma época em que quase todo mundo tem um máquina digital em casa ou no bolso, e não vemos mais tantos relatos de OVNIs como antigamente.
A verdade deve estar lá fora mesmo, só que longe pra caramba!  

He stood there for a long time. Tami Joan and John desperately retreated until they reached the other side of the door, holding two sweaty bodies tightly together. The drivers hand bent into the shape of a cup, blocking the lights shone on the street light, looked at them more carefully. Suddenly, a loud noise echoed in the air. Tameron could not help but constricted a while, and John made a short, screaming scream. Behind the driver, the air in the distance was filled with bright red and blue flame stripes instantly. Then again is a few roar and scream. The driver turns and looks up, just to see a huge, examdumpsview orange-red cobweb over the city. It was a fireworks, and Tamie remembered the news read in the newspaper. It is a gift from the host and the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the delegates attending the conference and welcomes them to this great city on Earth. The driver turned toward the taxi again. Pat soon, he opened the door lock, slowly opened the door. 2 As usual, the informant did not leave a name. Therefore, there is no other way to pour back into the past to understand what the reporter said is a piece of open space. The headquarters radio said He said it was on the 37th Street near Eleventh Street. Those at the Notification Center never figured out where the exact location of the murder was. Although it is nine oclock in the morning, it has made people sweat more than hot. Emilia Shakes lay aside a tall grass thatch. She is conducting a search of light – a jargon of crime scene investigators – searching for suspicious objects with an S-shaped route. Nothing at all She looked down at the intercom on the dark blue uniform shirt. Patrolman 5885 calls headquarters without any notice. Do you have any further news The dispatcher replied in a bumpy noise 5885, there is no more information about the scene of the crime cissp pdf at the moment, but one thing The informant said he hoped the victim was dead. Please say it again, headquarters. The complainant said he hoped the victim was already dead. He said it would be best if so. Finished. Hopefully the victim Dead Shakes struggled across a broken barbed wire and began searching for another piece of open space. Still not found. She wants to leave. Just call 10-90, report that without any discovery, you can return to the Si Si area, it is her daily patrol area. Her knees hurt and she felt 400-101 questions as if she had been roasted on a terrible August day. She just wanted to slip to the Port Authority and get stuck with the Little Furrier there and come back to a large can of Arizona iced tea. Then, at eleven thirty – just two hours now – she was able to clear the drawers in the south section of Midtown and go to the lower town for training. But she finally did not do this. She can not leave this briefing without answering the phone call. As she continued to move on, she walked along the hot sidewalk through the path between the two abandoned apartments and into another covered, planted area. She slid her slender forefinger down into her flat-top hat and scratched it with irresistible restraints through layers of long, red hair on her head. In order to scratch more scalp, she simply faded her cap side, while crazy scratch. Sweat streaming down her forehead, itchy, so she fiercely blew a few brows.

This place is really messy. Lyme does not like the mess when cleaning the room. Microsoft exam He does not like the kind of chaos and roar, can not stand the harsh vacuum cleaner – he found himself particularly annoyed that stuff. 400-101 questions He was satisfied with it, satisfied with what it is now. This room, which he calls the office, is located on the second floor of this gothic, Upper West Side apartment overlooking the Central Park. The room was large, twenty by twenty feet square, but almost every inch of space was full of things. Sometimes he closes his eyes and plays a game trying to discern the scent of different objects in the room thousands of books and magazines, piles of copy paper, hot TV transistors, dusty light bulbs, Bulletin boards made of cork, as well as different upholstery materials such as vinyl, hydrogen peroxide and latex. He can distinguish three different brands of Scotch whiskey. And pest guano taste. I do not want to see him and tell him Im very busy. Theres another young police officer, Ernie Banks, who is the same name as a professional baseball player, right You really should have me clean the room. Every time you wait until someone visits you, you will find out how dirty it is here. Visiting God, the word sounds really old, at least in Victorian terms. Far too far .– So to say, there will be a bad ceremony Dirty What Thomas said is room, but Lyme thinks he also includes himself as an employer. Lymes hair Microsoft exam is dark and dense, like a twenty-year-old – though he is twice as old. However, they are entangled in a muddle-headdresses, grooming needs to be trimmed. Black beard on his face has not scratched three days, looks dirty. He often woke up from his sleep because of itchy ears, indicating that the hair there should be repaired. Lymes nails are long, fingernails and toenails are the same the ugly scary pajamas on his body have been worn continuously for a week without a change. His eyes were slender, his eyes dark brown, and his face looked rather pretty – I do not know if it was a big deal or something else, and Blaine told him more than once. They want to talk to you, continued Thomas. They said it was very important. Well, let them know. You have not seen Leon for nearly a year. Why See him now Did you scare the bird If you scared the bird, beware I was in a hurry with you. Its very important, Lincoln. Very important, I remember what you just said. He had Cisco exam called earlier, cissp pdf I had a nap, and you were out again. You woke up until six in the morning. No, he paused. Yes, I woke up very early, but then I fell asleep again and slept well. Did you check your message Thomas said There was no talk of him. He said he would It was around 10 oclock. Its just past eleven, and maybe hes temporarily called out of the examdumpsview emergency room, for a while. What do you want to say Did you just call . Maybe he wants to call in, and you just take up the line. I just What did I say Lyme asked, See youre angry, Im not saying you can not call. You Of course its always possible, I just said he might make a phone call, and you just take the Cisco exam line. No, you mean, this morning, fucking everything is not pleasing to the eye. You know, theres one thing called call waiting, you can pick up two calls at a time.We should have applied for one.My old friend Leon wants to do.His professional baseball player friend wants Ask them. Ask me now.

Coluna do Astrônomo

Uma estrela que se apaga e outra que se acende


No último domingo (11/06/2010), os moradores da enigmática Ilha de Páscoa junto com milhares de turistas e cientistas puderam observar um dos fenômenos mais exuberantes da natureza: um eclipse total do Sol. A ilha é conhecida pelas suas gigantescas e enigmáticas estátuas de pedra chamadas Moais, que ninguém sabe ao certo como elas foram parar lá.

Eu já tive a oportunidade de observar um eclipse total do Sol, em 1994, em Laguna – SC. Ainda era calouro da UFRJ e organizaram uma viagem até a cidade. Conseguimos, eu e alguns outros calouros, nos meter no meio dos veteranos e embarcar na missão. Levamos telescópios, mapas celestes, relógios, teodolitos (ninguém nem sabe mais para quê isso em Astronomia), máquinas fotográficas, filmes fotográficos (e isso alguém sabe?). Naquela época, nada de computadores, laptops, muito menos internet. E celular era um sonho de consumo.

Chegamos à cidade numa segunda (o eclipse seria na quinta) e fomos recebidos com uma certa desconfiança (também, um bando de lunáticos!). Ficamos alojados numa escola! Os professores, num hotel (tudo bem, eles mereciam). Fizemos divulgação em rádios, em escolas, na prefeitura, em festas e tudo o mais. Definimos vários lugares na cidade de onde acompanharíamos o fenômeno. Por sorte, fiquei no melhor lugar, no alto do morro da estátua da Santa, um lugar maravilhoso!

A desconfiança, assim mesmo, persistia, mas na hora do eclipse, tudo mudou. A beleza do maior espetáculo da natureza, na minha opinião, fez o povo daquela cidade dar o braço a torcer e admirar junto com a gente um fenômeno exuberante, uma estrela que se apagava.

Essa mesma estrela se apagou mais uma vez no domingo, e no mesmo momento em que a Lua encobria o Sol, a quilômetros dali uma estrela nova era acesa. Uma estrela inédita, uma estrela vermelha, a primeira estrela da Espanha. Eu não sei o que faria se estivesse na ilha: observaria uma estrela se apagando ou outra se acendendo? Como foi apenas mais ou menos quatro minutos de “apagão”, daria para conciliar as duas coisas, até porque são duas coisas que não se deve perder: um eclipse total do Sol e uma final de Copa do Mundo (será que havia cientistas espanhóis na ilha???).

Como amante do futebol, eu não perdi a final (a ilha estava distante mesmo). Foi um jogo que me agradou bastante (tudo bem, talvez eu esteja mal acostumado, ainda mais se compararmos com a final retrasada na Alemanha), mas para mim o mais importante foi a vitória do time que joga FUTEBOL DE VERDADE! Um futebol bonito e vencedor. Finalmente, enterrou-se a balela de que “é preferível jogar feio e ganhar do que bonito e perder”. A Espanha jogou bem e venceu. A Espanha cometeu menos faltas e venceu. A Espanha não tinha cabeça de áreas “brucutus” e venceu. A Espanha jogou no ataque e venceu. Bem que os técnicos daqui, que adoram imitar os europeus, poderiam começar a imitar a Espanha, que nos imitou, que imitou o futebol que era jogado aqui para chegar ao topo. Viva a Espanha, viva o Futebol. E viva a África que fez um Mundial admirável. Espero que o Brasil consiga fazer melhor na próxima Copa!

He hurriedly recorded his conversation in a black book with a sweaty pen. Oh, just do it. Now, go to those trash cans, stay there and direct the traffic until the entire street is clear. Did you hear that She turned and left without saying anything good or not, A street, began to slowly move a few trash cans. Every driver who passed by her glared at her, and some mumbled in her mouth. Shakes glanced at the watch. Another hour I can hold on. 3 The peregrine falcon gently waving a few wings, landing in the edge of the windowsill. Outside the window, noon the sun bright and dazzling, the weather seems to be extremely hot. Finally, the man murmured, turning his head to the buzzing doorbell and looking at the door to the downstairs. Is he He shouted at the staircase, is it Lincoln Lyme turned his head to the window again without hearing any answer. The peregrine falcons head turned a little and moved very fast, just like a spasm, immediately returning to the original elegant gesture of keeping. Lyme noticed the blood stained its paw, and a piece of yellowish Microsoft exam flesh was pulled by its small, black, nut shell-like beak. It stretches short neck, move slowly to the nest, the action is reminiscent of not a bird, but a snake. The peregrine Falcon dropped the meat into the small mouth of a blue-winged bird. What I now see is the only creature in New York City without any natural enemies, Lyme thought. Maybe God except God. He heard footsteps, and someone was walking up the stairs. Is 300-135 pdf he He asked Thomas. The young man answered, No. Who is that The doorbell rang, is not it Thomass eyes looked at the window. The bird is back.Look, theres blood on your windowsill.Do you see them The female peregrine faltered slowly into Lymes gaze. A blue-gray feather, gorgeous like fish. It is looking up, looking back and forth toward the sky. They are always together, will they be with them for life Exclaimed Thomas. Like a geese Lymes eyes returned to Thomas. The latter was bowing his strong, young waist forward, looking through the window, which was splashed with rain. Who is here Lyme asked again. He was annoyed by the deliberate delay of young people. Visitors. Visitors Ha Lyme snorted. He tried to Cisco exam recall when the last guest visit was. That is at least three months ago. Who was the 400-101 questions guest last visited Maybe those reporters, or a distant relatives. Thats right, its Peter Chter, a spine neurologist in Lyme. Blaine has Microsoft exam been here several times, but she certainly can not be a visitor. Its so cold here, complains Tommy, reaching out to open the window at the same time. Young typical performance. Lyme thought. Do not open the window, he ordered, well, tell me whos coming Its cold. Youre going to scare the bird.You can turn off the air conditioner.Ill be closed. Lets open again, said Tangmajas forcefully to lift the thick wooden frame of the window. The two birds got accustomed to playing since they moved in. Hearing the noise, the two peregrine falcons turned their heads and widened their eyes to the source of the noise. But they were just wide-eyed, still on the edge of the bay windows, overlooking monarchs overlooking the collapsed ginkgo trees in their territory and the car parked on both sides of the street. Lyme asked again Whos coming Leon Salet. Leon What did he do Thomas looked back and forth at the room.

I am asking you now. They want to see you. I only know these. Because they have something, they are not, they are regular, heavy, and want. Lincoln. Tone. The handsome young man reached for his blond hair. He was wearing brown trousers and a white shirt, tied with a blue tie and the bow tie was flawless. When he hired Tommar a year ago, Lyme once told him that he could wear jeans and a T-shirt to work whenever he wanted. But from that day until now, he has been meticulously dressed. Lyme did not know if it was because he had kept the young man so far, but he did. No one had been in custody before Thomas before for six weeks, and those who resigned were tantamount to excommunication. Well, how do you tell them I told them to give me a few minutes to let me see if you got dressed first, and then they could come up. You did not ask me Self-assertion. Thank you very much. Thomas back to take a few steps toward the small stairs downstairs shouted Come on, gentlemen. What did they say to you, is not it Said, You have something to hide 400-101 questions from me. Thomas did not answer. examtestview Raim looked at the two men up the stairs. When they first entered the room Lyme first spoke. He said to Thomas Putting on the curtains, you have already disturbed the two birds too much. The actual meaning examtestview of this sentence was that he had enjoyed the bright morning sunshine. Can not speak. Sticking to the mouth of Cisco exam the tape stinky and sticky, so that she can not pronounce a word. She felt despair more helplessly than the cold, handcuffed metal on her wrist, compared to the short, stout fingers on her shoulders. The taxi driver, still wearing a ski 300-135 pdf boot, led her to a dark, damp corridor that ran through the rows of pipes and plumbing to the basement of an office building. But she does not know where the exact location is. If I can speak to him T. J. Kofax is a fun person. Morgan Stanley third floor of the mother of insects. A negotiator. money Do you want money I give you money, a lot of money, boy. But more than a few. She thought the remarks more than ten times, desperately trying to seize his eyes as if she could deliver the remarks into his head. Beg for you, she begged silently. She started thinking of her 401 k Retirement Savings Fund an important U.S. tax deferred savings plan to protect retiree benefits, with about 42 million people participating and a total asset pool of more than 2 trillion. – translator, she can give her all the pensions to him. Oh, beg you She remembered the scene of the last night The man turned around after watching the fireworks, pulled them off and put handcuffs on them. He put them close to the trunk, and then re-drive the road.